March 2024 - Fraser Valley Real Estate Market Snapshot
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Home Buying, Market Intelligence, Real Estate News | April 1, 2024

Unraveling the Real Estate Landscape of Fraser Valley: Recent Shifts and Future Trends

As the saying goes, “March entered like a lion and exited like a lamb,” witnessing an overall increase in sales from February in both the single-family and townhome sectors, with the bulk of sales activity occurring early in the month. However, sales experienced a decline compared to March 2023 across all types of products.

This decline could be attributed to several factors, including the anticipation surrounding the Bank of Canada’s interest rate announcement on April 10, as well as the distraction caused by spring break, which occupied half of the month and diverted buyers’ attention elsewhere. The market seems to be waiting for a positive signal to stimulate activity. Additionally, inventory or selection increased in all three sectors compared to the previous month and March of the previous year, by 37 to 42 percent, providing potential home buyers with more options and time to make purchasing decisions.

The market seems to be waiting for a positive signal to stimulate activity.

Despite new government policies aimed at facilitating homeownership, it appears that these measures have had the opposite effect, with minimal to no change in home prices. In fact, all types of homes have increased in value due to rising costs compared to March 2023, by 6 to 9 percent, translating to nearly $84,000 at the high end and almost $50,000 at the low end in additional value. Although these percentages may seem modest, the net result is a significant overall increase in prices for the end buyer, compounded by higher-than-average interest rates over the past decade.

Will our leaders recognize their policy missteps and begin to streamline regulations (i.e., costs) to facilitate home financing and construction as required by our province? It appears that they lack a basic understanding of economics or how to genuinely assist the public in achieving homeownership, based on their actions during this term and their previous tenure. Therefore, all we can do is hope. Remember to voice your opinions and vote this October.

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